Here is a list of useful medicines and dressings with the descriptions of their uses. All are quite cheap and worth stocking at home. PLEASE KEEP WELL OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN.
Soluble Aspirin Tablets
For adults and children over 12 years of age. Good for headaches, colds and sore throats.
Paracetamol Mixture
For relief of pain or fever in young children (Do not exceed recommended dose).
Sedative Cough Linctus
For dry or painful coughs – but not coughs caused by common cold.
Vapor Rub
Again, for steam inhalations. Also useful for children with stuffy noses or dry coughs. Rub on the chest and nose.
Antiseptic Cream
For treating septic spots, sores in the nose and grazes.
Calamine Lotion
For dabbing (not rubbing) on insect bites, stings and sunburn.
Sticky plaster dressings, cotton wool, antiseptic lotion and three-inch crepe bandage.
Invest in a good one – a digital thermometer is easy to read and will last a lifetime.
For removing splinters, stings and thorns.